Missouri Emergency Medical Services Association

MEMSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS - call for nominations: SL Region Vacancy

Rich Dandridge has represented the SL Region since 2008.  In July, Rich regretfully resigned his position on the MEMSA Board of Directors.

The MEMSA Bylaws outlines the method for replacement so a new person can be appointed at the next regularly scheduled MEMSA meeting—November 7th.  (Our September meeting was reserved for strategic planning).

Nominations from the region will be taken electronically until October 7th.  Nominees will be contacted and asked if they will serve if appointed.  They will be invited to the November 7th meeting which will be at the Osage Ambulance District headquarters in Linn MO from 10:00 am to about 2:00 pm. 

MEMSA meets the first Tuesday of odd months (Jan, Mar, May etc.), usually in mid-Missouri.  Your ability to attend these meetings and participate in other responsibilities between meetings is paramount to the success of the organization. Your employer’s support for your participation is immensely helpful. MEMSA has no funds to defray expenses.

MEMSA is professional organization for EMTs, Paramedics and others who support EMS in Missouri and gives a unified voice on legislative, educational and other issues on the state level.  We need dedicated, energetic people to help guide the efforts of the Association during these dynamic times. 

You must reside or have your primary employment in the region that you will represent.  Before being appointed, MEMSA dues must be paid.  Join online at www.memsa.org if not a current member.

This is an opportunity to get involved with statewide EMS issues. Please take a moment to nominate a friend, co-worker or yourself.

To submit a nomination, submit our online form below.  

The deadline to submit a nomination is October 7th at midnight.   (MEMSA reserves the right to accept additional nominations after the deadline)

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